For all other enrollment interests, this includes Infant/Toddler applicants and those interested in Preschool Programming for next school year, please read the Enrollment Process Overview, Eligibility Requirements and Documents Needed to Enroll before submitting an Enrollment Interest Form.
Enrollment Process Overview
Step 1: Complete and submit an Enrollment Interest Form– Submit Enrollment Interest Form electronically. If you do not have access to the internet and/or need assistance completing the Enrollment Interest Form, please contact our Main Office at 303-776-8523.
Step 2: Our Enrollment Team will Contact you within 9 days to Review Enrollment Interest Form– Our Enrollment Team will set up an Interview with you to review your Interest Form and request necessary documents to proceed.
Step 3: Enrollment Team will notify you regarding acceptance into the program and next steps– Our Enrollment Team will review documents provided to determine eligibility and notify the family.

How do I know if my family is eligible for WPC Services?
In order to be eligible for the Preschool and Infant Toddler Program the following must apply:
- Age Eligibility
- Head Start children must be 3-or 4-years-old on or before October 1st of current school year
- Early Head Start- Pregnant women and children birth- 2 years-old.
- Income Eligibility
- Family income must be at or below the US Department of Health & Human Services Poverty Guidelines to qualify for the program
- Priority Eligibility
- Head Start/Early Head Start eligibility is granted, if your family meets any of the following categories:
- The child to be enrolled is in foster care
- The family is homeless
- The family is receiving public assistance benefits such as TANF or SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
- Head Start/Early Head Start eligibility is granted, if your family meets any of the following categories:
- Other eligibility qualifier
- Children with a disability, if your child has a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP), or a current Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
- Location
- Services are provided at no cost to qualifying families living in the Boulder and Weld County portion of the St. Vrain Valley School District
***Applications are accepted continuously through the year***
What documents will I need to enroll my child?
- Proof of Earned Income
- Copy of last year’s income tax forms (Form 1040 or W-2s)
- Two of your most current pay stubs
- Income Verification form.
- Proof of Public Assistance
- Unemployment Award Letter
- Monthly Cash Assistance Record
- Social Security/SSI Monthly Statement
- Proof of Child Support Payments (if received)
- Proof of Foster Care Status (if applicable)
- Copy of your Child’s Birth Certificate (for age verification purposes)
- Please, do NOT send original birth certificate
* If you do not have any of the documents listed above, our Enrollment Team can discuss other options with you.