We have formed a wonderful relationship with the Atria Senior Living Center in Longmont. We love when the residents come visit the classrooms, and we are deeply grateful for their generous hearts.

Thanks to resident/community activist Beverly Springer for her guest opinion piece on the sequester and WPC in the Longmont Times-Call. Her thoughtful and powerful piece has generated some much-needed donations for us. Read the opinion piece here: http://www.timescall.com/columnists/opinion-local/ci_23982813/beverly-springer-challenge-longmont

We have launched a "15 Children" campaign! Wild Plum Center's budget was cut 5.27% due to the federal sequester. We were forced to close a site, lay off many staff members and most disturbing, let go of fifteen slots for children. We are trying to raise enough funds so that we can re-open a classroom for these fifteen children. Please consider making a donation now! Thank you.



Wild Plum Center and the Ed and Ruth Lehman YMCA of Longmont are working together to create a new all-day preschool program for Longmont families. Stay tuned!

Also, Wild Plum Center has partnered for several years with the Primrose School of Longmont for Book Drives. The Primrose School of Longmont is an NCA CASI accredited private preschool located in southwest Longmont that provides educational programs for children 6 weeks through kindergarten and school-age. Wild Plum Center and Primrose school share simlar values and curriculums and is therefore, a meaningful community partnership. Since 2013, children from Primrose have given over 1200 books to the Wild Plum Center, for which we are very thankful.

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