Why are you called the Wild Plum Center?
Native to Colorado, the wild plum tree represents growth, nourishment, and stability – core elements WPC offers to the families we serve.
What do you mean by comprehensive preschool and developmental services?
WPC works to address any and all aspects of need within a child’s life, allowing for more fruitful learning experiences. WPC families receive educational curriculum-based pre-school classes and early developmental services, health and dental screenings, mental health services, nutrition information, parent education, and family support/case management free of charge. All services are offered in English and Spanish.
How does Wild Plum measure success?
When entering the school year at Wild Plum Center, approximately 45% of children are meeting developmental expectations. At the end of the school year, between 92% and 99% are meeting or exceeding expectations.
What do you mean by low-income?
Wild Plum Center serves children and families living at 100% Federal Poverty Level.
Is WPC a Head Start program?
WPC is the designated Head Start and Early Head Start provider for the Boulder County portion of the St. Vrain Valley School District. Head Start and Early Head Start are both federal funding streams, as well as best-practice service models. Currently, Wild Plum provides Head Start, Early Head Start, and non-Head Start programs. Head Start and Early Head Start are two of the programs provided by WPC. However, all WPC services are based on the Head Start and Early Head Start models.
What’s the difference between Head Start programs and other early childhood education programs?
Wild Plum Center uses a multigenerational approach that includes all family members.
Our program provides additional support services to families like health screenings, mental health resources, full day programs and home visits where educators can evaluate what is needed for a child to have a supported learning environment at home. All of this is offered at no-cost to eligible families.
Doesn’t Head Start / Early Head Start provide all the funding and supplies you need?
Under our Head Start and Early Head Start grants, WPC receives approximately 80% of the funding needed to operate our Head Start classrooms and Early Head Start programming. WPC’s Head Start and Early Head Start grants require us to generate matching funds totaling nearly $700,000 per year.
How much does it cost for a child to attend/ participate in WPC programming?
All services are provided free of charge to qualifying families.
Does my child qualify?
Children living at or below 100% Federal Poverty Level and residing within St. Vrain Valley School District portion of Boulder and Weld County are eligible to attend Wild Plum Center. Visit our Enrollment Page for more information on qualifying factors.
What is the “Center-Based” Early Head Start program?
The “Center-Based” EHS program allows parents that are pursuing employment or educational-related opportunities to enroll their infants and toddlers in an enriched center-based classroom setting. This program is then enhanced by group-delivered parent education and parent/child socialization activities lead by Family Educators.
What is the “Home-Based” Early Head Start program?
Participants in the “Home-Based” EHS program have the option to select the site for their one-on-one sessions with Family Mentors. Most families enrolled in this service model opt to have the sessions in their own homes as it provides the most rich environment for them to work with their children.
Will my Family Mentor / Family Specialist help with household duties? Can I leave my child with my Family Mentor / Family Specialist?
No. Family Mentors and Family Specialists consult with families to aid parents and caregivers in learning the best, most age and developmentally-appropriate ways of interacting with their children. It is essential that both parents and children are present at these invaluable learning sessions.
If you are federally-funded, why do you have to fundraise?
Great question. We have to make up 1/4 of our annual budget through in-kind donations and grant monies to continue to receive EHS and HS funding. Monies from individuals, corporations, funds and foundations is greatly needed so that we can continue to offer the high level of comprehensive services to hundreds of Longmont families.
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Please call 303-776-8523 and we’ll help you out!